Spring was yours.

Another    century,    a  century    of    civil    wars,    world    wars    and    cold    war,tortuous   in    its    ideological  ramifications rolls to a close.The fall of the vital  center is being  drolled out by  an euphoric  victory Chant: Unipolar world, Unipolar world ! Seeds of  hope are being discovered in the August .Failure and  the failure is being treated as a problem  created  by  the Second World itself and  an  opportunity  for  the First  World to exercise  responsibility.Thus  the First World is absolved from the cause.On the other hand,the    Third World have already Been accused of maintaining a primitive lifestyle and  not    joining as ‘Citizens’. It  is an  open field of vast possibilities to be carpentered beautifully    and made habitable for the cavalier citizens of  the First World.The road to epiphany is Open……..

 Who makes decisions at the frontiers of the state?

”    ………We are Americans – part of something larger than ourselves… And tonight we lead the world in facing down a threat to decency and humanity. What is at stake is more than one small country, it is a big idea-A New World Order, where diverse nations/ the universal aspirations of mankind: Peace and Security, Freedom and the rule of the Law ……Tonight we work to achieve another victory, a victory over tyranny . and savage aggression ……For two centuries, America has served the world as an inspiring example of freedom and democracy …The    problem before  us may be different  but the key to solving   them remains the same: it is the individual……
This we do know our cause is just, our cause is moral, our cause is right.”

President George Bush
State of the Union Address
House of   Representatives,
Jan.29, 1991


This noble declaration came following the defeat of the Iraqi army. Many American scholars believe that Bush’s Gulf adventure was in a way exoneration of the Vietnam enterprise. True to some extent, though, Bush’s etching of an image of the First World war transforms his adventurism into neoexpansionism, using a double-edged sword: break the polar barriers, the ‘Centre’ and the ‘periphery’ and in doing so, eliminating multiplicity of differing cultures, culture of the ‘other Peoples’, by either reconciling everything with everything’ else or by pushing upfront everything against everything else for a heady collision so that all culture may appear as one and equal.


2. In the garb of pluralism and multiculturalism it premises Regionalism and authentic   localisation, thus invoking separatism, because ‘the other’ must express through difference, difference of religion, caste, language, race and ethinicity which will inevitably lead to internal chaos, breaking down of all values and finally the collapse of the Nation State. All civilized rhetoric for equality” freedom, ‘peace, morality and just cause will turn into grand Bushian spectacle, art will become a mere entertainment and entertainer where citizen of the Unipolar world will be benevolent spectators.


Is Small  Beautiful?

The post-modernist critique of the Internationalist culture. (modernism) is that it lived  on the periphery of monolith ism and’ near, totalitarianism.


“Post modernism, or The  Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism”

The unipolar world offers as many choices as possible to all who cares to accept them,
especially in art, an’ art which looses all particularity of time  and  place-and    become  simply pieces in an eternal chess game with no winner’s  take away  money – because  no body  knows how  and whether to win.The rules of the new game only permit  to exist ephemerally and experimentally by marginalizing all styles  – past and present. It is post-modern art. It is an art without any core, without a centrality any hierarchy, hence it survives without any critical assessment. Post-modernism is decadent. Post-modernism is an ‘eternal laissez-faire of pluralism or multiculturalism.’ It makes life complicated and difficult. It is the counterpart of Nazi art, totally opposed to civilization, it is a kind of wild barbarism which have the power of pulling back history into  the dark ages.Post-modernism has been around since the beginning of Modernism, in fact they have ‘existed in  cannibalistic dialectic, the latter variably consuming the former.’
Little about the Little History of a Little Culture

The history of modernism has many facets. The European version of modernism is,quite  different from the American version which developed in the 1940’s through the European Recovery Programme in 1948  which was later called the Marshal Plan. A huge aid programme was, directed  towards reestablishing Western economy which could be strong   enough to resist  the  advance of socialism, which at that time demonstrated, the decadence of the bourgeois,culture and at the same time the non existence of American culture on the   global art scene. The witch hunt of art began, Premises were set, the liberals, led by the new American middle class advocated, for a softer line of winning the minds of the European people by defending abstract and modern art in general along with expressionism,    automatism, surrealism etc. The conservatives  mounted  a  virulent campaign against
modern  art  vis-a-vis  liberalism.They  wanted  to  come  out from an  isolationist position  and plunge in International politics more vigorous-sly  supplementing  it with a           aggressive culture triumphant,optimistic and They  thought that modem art  was  “Bolshevistic”,”International”  and “Un-American” and propagated  for a romantic  realism  glorifying  the  physical beauty   of  America through  narrow regionalistic approaches.Finally, modern art won.but it had  yet much darker days ahead.  Euro/American art what we see today have come in  the  guise of  post-modernism.


A Little History about a Big Culture.

The Indian situation is very  different.Post-colonial India, more or less liberalistic through parliamentary  Democracy,have given seeminqly  enough open space, for  a variety  of  art   styles to grow  which never  is  completed, never  leads  to  formed  tradition of art.One of the reasons for such uneven,development of our art traditions is the, splendid
slavery of  the, Indian  artists in general,a colonial hangover,swallowing all that has been  routed the phenomena of modernism.This aping act stretched so far that even the  category  of  neo  Brahminical  art, ( of the  60’s  and  early  70’s)could  not resist  western   abstractionist   wrappings.In the Post-cold war days there are  possibilities that some old   set of questionsand  criterias,  live lndianness  and,Nationalism in art  may, be revoked,   restructured  in collaboration with  the Post-modernist ethos.Both lie in  wait  For an   opportune moment to strike.


Shaping of a new Nationalism in India

India as a country (if   not as a Nation),we should not forget, has a fairly long tradition
Of Nationalism routed through the notion of Hinduism. The dominant  view since the formation of the new middle class under British colonialism.This Bourgeois Nationalism was posted successfully in our struggle against the colonizer.The logic of the myth became
Rational-static in all spheres of our life  (including    art), as long as it enjoyed the  confidence of  both the colonizer and the colonized.In the post-colonial period  Nationalism is a  problem  because it  is conveniently used to protect the culture of the   ruling class, it becomes an ideology of the ruling  class which attempts to establish a point    of convergence,a homogeneous center cutting away all  empirical  events in the moment
from the periphery. The unipolar world will  be equally encouraqed  to sustain the  yet  complete Nationalism to extend their benevolence through economic and cultural negotiations, finally settling cultural exchanges, economic aid and goody goody human relations.We do not know yet how old fundamentalism will be replaced by the new one,  what aesthetic and artistic norms will be set before the artist to qualify the new Nationalism.Will there be a revival of the Brahminical past,will art be mythicised,be  the  style of neo Nationalism, hostile, aggressive,overcommital,uniquely authentic to the  utopian ideal of  the one,the all  pervasive one? These are of course anticipatory prefixes.    But one thing can surely be predicted:if there is a resurgence of Hindu Nationalism along with Unipolar world’s levelling of  all  differences  in  culture,decadence is surely east bound.


Humanism  of the post modern

Humanism is a Legitimate framework or for the supranationalism of  the  west to   maintain  supremacy over  the  peoples of  the other cultures.The unipolar  humanism   first kills and then offers charity.Charity  though always ambivalent,is always central to Western humanism, whether it is famine striken Ethiopia, flood ravaged Bangladesh, or an emergency aid needed  to rebuild the economy of India, Mexico, Brazil, or the Soviet Union
through economic reforms and market economy,charity  is always, forthcoming arm-twisting will come later,conditions for such charity  will be imposed at a suitable   time,media lies  will be  heaped on the people, humiliation of  the  people will  be complete   through the constant slow poisoning of  culture and conscience.Rampant  commercialism  and  egotism will   paralyse  all  political sensibilities.Every category of art will  be consumed by  the supermarket, Post-modernism will reduce the artwork to a commodity   precisely because it annuls  the artwork’s senses.


Will Winter be ours?

What shall we do? Should we observe occanic, reticence and watch humanism to be colonized, should we follow AIexandrianism or should we be ,the naughty boys of the other culture and fight the deconstructionist mafia, who have discovered humanism in abstract art.?. After  all,  humanism  is  not anyone’s exclusive right or property.Art is not  industry,
it is not just casual and arbitrary  fantasy  of  the  few, who    decompose and deconstruct  the  text  to suit their own  ends.Art  must have a core, a status, a centrality. differing from localism to localism, it must have a body, a hierarchy and it must be real which is open to criticism .What is perhaps required today that artist’s desire should be limitless and the desire’s limitlessness will rediscover the limits of the object of desire and save it  from   total degeneration and bankruptcy.The artist  must participate in the process of  the   dialectic between despair and  hope,death and  life  and between decadence  and   rejuvenation.This dialectical operation will provide a strong will to live and make art alive.
The  reinvestment in art can come from the sources of  the subject and subject panting   which is the most difficult thing to do.Let  the Family of Man (most of whose members live in the Third world) be our metaphor. But let us not forget the recent lessons in history that nearly  icing of faith and desire is not going to be enough. Fire accompanied by blinding dust storm have the power of breaking hardest of the iceberg.


Amit    Mukherjee
November 1, 1991. Calcutta.



1.    Dissent:   The  issue  of  modern  art  in  Boston  (a  collection   of  essays)    by
the Institute of  Contemporary  art U. S. A.  1985

2.    Artists  in  Revolution –   Portrait  of  the  1905 –  1925  Russian  Avant-garde
Robert  C.Williams, U. S. A.  1975

3.    10+ 10, Contemporary  Soviet  and  American  Painters,  a  publication of  Fort
Work  Art  Association, U. S. A.  1989

4.    Third   Text, 14  Spring   1991

5.    Sculpture,   July – August, 1991

6.    May – June, 1991

7.    Art forum,Feb,1991

8.    Art forum , May,1991

9.  ‘Art- religion interface and New -Brahminical  art’ Pranabranjan Ray in Art and Life in     India- the last Four decades,edited by Josef James ,I.I.A.S. Shimla,1989

10. “ A brief review of convent cultural nationalism’ Geeta Kapur in Art and Life in India- the last four decades,I.I.A.S. Shimla,1989

11. Emergence of Realism in the Art of Bengal(1910-1940). Amit Mukhopadhyay (an unpublished thesis,later published in 1993)



Born-1967, West Bengal.
M.Fine  in Painting  Visva-Bharati University, 1991.
Present Address – Kala Bahavana, Santiniketan

Born-1957, Delhi.
B. Fine-in    Painting, 1980 M. S.  University,Baroda,
M. Fine – in Printmaking,   1982,   M. S.  University, Baroda,
Teaching    in    Patha-Bhavana,Visva    Bharati.
Present  Address -Dakshin PaIli,. Santiniketan    731235~


Born-1657, Santiniketan.
B.Fine-in Printmaking, 1980,Visva-Bharati
Post Diploma-in Printmaking, 1982, M. S. University, Baroda,
Research assistance in Kala Bhavana, Visva Bharati.
Present    Address – Dakshin      Palli,    Santiniketan   73.1235.


Born-1957, Gaya,
Post Diploma-in Printmaking, 1982, Vjsva Bharati
Teaching in Birla Vidya Niketan. New Delhi.
Present  Address-402, Santnagar,  2nd    Floor, East of  Kailash.
New   Delhi   110065.


Born-1957,    Bolpur.
B.Fine-in Print-making, 1980, Visva     Bharati.
Teaching    in    Patha-Bhavana, Visva    Bharati.
Present   Address  – 25,     Nichu-bangla,
Santiniketan    731235.


Born – 1958.
Diploma in Painting, 1980, Government College of Art and Crafts, Calcutta.
Post-diploma-in Painting, 1983 Visva Bharati.
Working    independently  at  New     Delhi.
Present   Address-(STUDIO) K-30, Hauz Khas,
New    Delhi-16,

Born-1956, Port – Blair.
B. Fine-in Printmaking, 1980, Visva  Bharti
M.A. in Painting, 1983, Rabindra Bharati University, Calcutta.
Teaching under Directorate of Education, Andamans Admistration.
Present Address Shankar General Stores, Golghar, Port Blair, 744101.


Born-1954.    Calcutta.
M.Fine-in Print making, 1980, Visva Bharati,
Teaching   in  Rabindra  Bharati University, Calcutta.
Present    Address  – P-40,     Garia    Park,   Calcutta,     700084.


Born-1951,    West    Bengal.
B.Fine-in Print-making, 1973,Visva  Bharati.
M.Fine-in Printmaking,1975,M. S.University,Baroda.
Ph.  D.-Visva  Bharati, 1984.
Teaching   in   Kala  Bhavana,    Visva     Bharati.
Present  Address-Kala    Bhavana,    Santiniketan,731235.


Born-1948. Jalpaiguri
B.Fine-in Painting,1972, Visva   Bharati,
Craft Designers’ Training Course-1974, All India Handlcrafts Board. New Del
Teaching in Kala Bhavana. Visva Bharati.
Present   Address-Kala    Bhavana.   Santiniketan,     731235.

Many friends from other disciplene are also associated with us. We would like to mention a few names. they are Sugato Hazra, Debabrata Dutta, Saibal Mitra and Indrani Barua.


First Published, November 1991.
Published by Sujata  Mukheriee,
United Church, Benachiti,  Durgapur-13, West  Bengal
COPYRIGHTS Sujata Mukheriee







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